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Who is your greatest cheerleader?

Wendy Bream

Do you know who is for you, truly for you? Do you know who is cheering you on more than anyone? Do you know who your greatest cheerleader is?


Yes, I think God is our greatest cheerleader. He truly wants what is best for us, as only a perfectly loving father can want.

Early in James’ letter he shares these words found in James 1:

2 My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy. 3 After all, you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 Let this endurance complete its work so that you may be fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.

Our lives are an opportunity for God to be at work. God is at work forming and transforming us. He is cheering us on, wanting us to live out our lives in the most loving of ways. He is at work helping us to be “fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.”

Later on James writes about what “full maturity” looks like, here in James 3:

2 We all make mistakes often, but those who don’t make mistakes with their words have reached full maturity. Like a bridled horse, they can control themselves entirely. 3 When we bridle horses and put bits in their mouths to lead them wherever we want, we can control their whole bodies.

People who “don’t make mistakes with their words have reached full maturity.” Our words are powerful. What comes out of your mouth today matters. Listen to your words.

4 Consider ships: They are so large that strong winds are needed to drive them. But pilots direct their ships wherever they want with a little rudder. 5 In the same way, even though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts wildly.

When we were dropping our son off at camp this week, I was reminded of these words. In the dorm hallway there was a sign that said, “Before you text THINK.” It is often written, before you speak THINK. We could likely add, before you post to social media THINK.

T = Is it True?

H = Is it Helpful?

I = Is it Inspiring?

N = Is it Necessary?

K = Is it Kind?

May your words be “filled with thought” today.  Now you can go be a cheerleader too!

Blessings, Pastor Matt

P.S. Remember to join us at one of our locations this Sunday, July 2, as we continue working through the letter of James. There is a lot of good words for us to hear.

(All scripture cited above from Common English Bible Copyright © 2011)



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23 Church Lane, Carlisle PA 17015
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Mt. Zion
Crossroads Church

420 Park Drive, Carlisle PA 17015
Sunday Worship
8:45am (Traditional)
10:45am (Wings of Praise) *

* Fifth Sundays the 10:45am worship service is off

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