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God Loves You

Wendy Bream

All you need is love.  These are very familiar words.  These are words we wish our news headlines and stories would share more of instead of what we typically see.  Headlines are filled with stories of war, hatred and violence.

All we need is love?  Does this imply that we are not loved?

Over and over again, we are reminded in the Bible that we are loved.  You are LOVED.  This is not a love that we earn.  This is not a love we get when we put a certain number of hours in going to church.  This is not a love we receive after helping the stranger who needed some money.

You cannot say that you have committed too many wrongs.  You cannot say that if God only knew, He would not love you.  God does know, and He loves you.

None of us are perfect.  We get this.  The Bible calls this sin.  Listen to these words that Paul, one of the first leaders of the Christian church, wrote to Christians in the city of Rome.

6 While we were still weak, at the right moment, Christ died for ungodly people. 7 It isn’t often that someone will die for a righteous person, though maybe someone might dare to die for a good person. 8 But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us. 9 So, now that we have been made righteous by his blood, we can be even more certain that we will be saved from God’s wrath through him.10 If we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son while we were still enemies, now that we have been reconciled, how much more certain is it that we will be saved by his life?  (Romans 5, CEB)

It says here that God died for ungodly people.  He died for sinners.  He gave His life to save His enemies.

God loves you.

Here at Barnitz and Mt. Zion we talk about Connecting People to Christ’s Love.  Why?  We want everyone in our community to know they are loved.  We believe this changes you, and we believe it changes the community we all live in.

Please check out our website for ways to connect with us each week.  Check out our upcoming schedule that includes a Sportsmen’s Banquet and special services around the Easter season.

Yes, God loves you.


Pastor Matt



Church Office Info
420 Park Drive, Carlisle PA 17015

Church Office Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
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Barnitz Church
23 Church Lane, Carlisle PA 17015
Sunday Worship: 10:30am
Mt. Zion
Crossroads Church

420 Park Drive, Carlisle PA 17015
Sunday Worship
8:45am (Traditional)
10:45am (Wings of Praise) *

* Fifth Sundays the 10:45am worship service is off

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